Stepping Into Truth: Conversations on Race, Gender, and Social Justice

 Talking spirituality as a weapon, facing the shadow and more with Rachel Ricketts

Episode 21


In this episode Rachel Ricketts and I talk about the things no one wants to discuss when it comes to race. We dive into the shadow side and get good and comfortable there. Come join us.

Rachel Ricketts is a racial justice advocate, intuitive coach, public speaker + writer. She is an outspoken champion for women of color, educating all hue-mans on anti-racism and inclusion. Her life's purpose is to help us all better understand our role in perpetuating oppression, of ourselves and/or others, and learning concrete tools for committing to the solution. Rachel hosts online and in-person workshops including her Spiritual Activism series which promotes racial justice, reconciliation and recovery from racialized trauma. She leads talks + workshops around the world and is currently working on her first book. Rachel loves donuts, dancing and all things metaphysical (ideally all at once).

Connect with Rachel:
Rachel's Website 

Credits: Harmonica music courtesy of a friend